The Grand Teton Mountains

Grand Teton National ParkGrand Teton National Park is in the Northwest corner of Wyoming, just south of Yellowstone National Park. Of course the major attraction of Grand Teton National Park is the impressive mountains, which are certainly that. There are also beautiful lakes, the meandering Snake River, and abundant wildlife.

Grand TetonsMost mountain ranges of the world rise relatively slowly from the nearby plains through a series of foothills before you actually get to the steep mountains. Not so the Grand Tetons. They rise abruptly from the flat plains of Wyoming into full-fledged jagged-peak mountains with no rolling hills as precursors. That abruptness quality is what makes the Grand Tetons so imposing.

Teton MountainsJackson Lake and Jenny Lake make good foregrounds for the Teton Mountains.

buffaloIf you look in the right places, you will likely find some buffalo roaming the plains of Jackson Valley in front of the Tetons. If you look in the right places and are lucky, you may see some moose; we weren't lucky that day.

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Thomas R. Powell



Last updated on 02/19/2012.